Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Spray Painting a Goodwill Basket

a few months ago
martha stewart did a project
painting baskets
and I thought why not?

I found this old mexican basket
at a goodwill store for around
two dollars
the mexicans would walk the beaches all day
selling their wares for almost free
that was their favorite line to get you to buy whatever it was that they were selling
we always came home with a basket or two and jewelry
after a few cervesas
everything looked so pretty
especially on the beach

I used some old spray paint I had in our shed
to keep the cost on a cheap basket at a minimum
Don't you just love my designated spray painting area?
my hubby gave me strict orders that I could only spray paint in that area
I call my hubby
the spray paint whisperer
he can always tell when I have been spray painting
how does he do it?
I also call him
the dent whisperer
I put a little dent in his truck the other day
and can you believe he found it?


1 comment:

  1. baha!

    Basket looks great!

    I can. not. believe he found a "little dent." ;)
