Saturday, August 19, 2017


Everything in this pic is thrifted. 
In my line of work,
thrifting, is everyday.
It's in my blood.
Got it from my dad.
There wasn't a yard sale, thrift store, indian pawn shop
that we didn't stop at, to rummage through the junk
 that they had displayed.
And of course,
in the summer, up north in arizona
we always stopped by the indian stores in town.
We were always lucky enough to come home
with a piece of jewelry,
a bracelet, a ring or a pair of earrings.
Whatever we wanted.
We were so spoiled in love.
I have a collection of indian dolls that were bought from these stores.
Ketchy, little brown plastic dolls.
Dressed in indian attire.
Leather dresses, beads and feathers.
According to the Antique Roadshow,
they really aren't worth much.
But to me,
they are everything.
And if you were lucky enough to be a friend or a cousin
that was along for the ride that day,
My dad always bought a memory for them too.
The good ole days in America...
(I know its not pc to say indian, but as you can see,
I really don't give a damn...)



  1. Hi there! I had to come say hello after finding you on Diana's blog...I love treasures found while thrifting too. Enjoyed your memory of thrusting with your dad!
