Monday, August 30, 2010

political rally or a good excuse to have a party

A few weeks ago,
my brother and my favorite sister-in-law,
threw a political fund raiser. My brother
is a legendary lobbyist in the state of Arizona.
Perhaps you have seen him on tv with the
Arizona governor (who I might add, has guts and fortitude, go Jan!)
and Sarah Palin recently discussing SB1070.
No matter what your opinion is of SB1070,
the governor is taking care of the people in Arizona and securing our border.
Dammit, Mr. President, we live here legally,
and our security should be looked after.
Okay, I think I am done with that little rant.

Like I said before,
my sister-in-law is the best cook this side of the Mississippi.
Everything that she served was delicious.
These "brie stuffed mushrooms" were my favorite.
Also, the artichoke/jalapeno dip from "Costcos"
was yummy.

My niece came up with the idea for the cute
"chalkboard tags".
I think I will be stealing this idea.
She bought little pieces of wood and sprayed them
with chalkboard paint, let them dry, added the names to the
tags and displayed them among the food and drink table.

Cute and clever!

She asked me to make the dessert.
Sugar cookies are always a favorite. I also made
delicious "lemon bars", but forgot to take a picture of them.
I am not a fan of lemon bars, but this recipe sounded really good and
they turned out so tasty...
not your run of the mill lemon bars, way better.

Thanks guys! It was a really fun evening,


  1. What a beautiful blog, family, and home you have! I'm glad I found you. There is tons of interesting stuff here!

  2. CUTE!! Wish I could have been there! Who thought of the signs, Carm or Rach?
